Gallery Glass Supplies Needed: 16002 Snow White, 16010 Denin Blue, 16096 Celadon Green, 16076 Black Liquid Leading or 1690 Redi-Lead Value Pack
Window Color Materials are NOT recommended for:
- Outdoor use
- Commercial or Contractor use
- Surfaces in environments that are not temperature controlled (storm doors, automobiles, motor homes).
- Surfaces that are in frequent contact with water or heavy condensation
- Surfaces that are lower than 45 degrees F or above 90 degrees DURING application or removal. (Extremes in temperature may cause cracking and/or distortion.
- Some colors may fade after many years of exposure to UV rays.
- Window Color cannot be removed from clear Acrylic panels such as Plexiglas or Lexas but can be removed from styrene.
Modular Application Method Instructions
1. Make duplicates of the patterns by tracing designs with a copy machine, so you will have enough elements to complete your design. Making opposite facing duplicates of the motif (mirror image): tape the original pattern up to a window and place a blank paper over it. Outline the BACK of the original, as many times as needed for your design.
Arrange and tape all the elements to the clean window in the desired position. Place transfer paper under the elements and transfer their outer shapes to the window (for later positioning of cured elements).
3. Make leading strips (unless you plan to use Redi-Lead) and modular shapes needed for project. Coverage: 2 oz. of Window Color Paint will cover approximately 2 sq. ft. depending on thickness of application. Liquid Leading 4 oz. will make approximately 62 linear ft. of leading.
Leading of Modular Designs and Leading Strips
To begin, place smooth side of Leading Blank under pattern. Tape pattern to back of blank. Arrange all elements under sheets. If Leading Blanks are not available, you can tape the pieces to cardboard sized to fit inside a food storage bag. Do the elements on the outside of the bag.
1. Remove cap and seal from Liquid Leading. Push the curved end of the metal tool into bottle about 1/2" and twist around to make a large hole. Do not cut tip. Replace small cap on tip. Turn the bottle upside down and tap on a hard surface to force leading into the tip. Remove small cap.
2. Hold the bottle vertically, "broom handle" style, making sure the tip of the leading bottle does not touch the leading surface. Do not rest your elbow on your work surface, it will inhibit your movement. Squeeze leading (1/8" to 3/16" in diameter) on the Leading Blank over the solid lines of the pattern taped underneath. When you get near the end of your line, stop squeezing and lower the bottle tip to the leading surface to prevent blobs of leading. Continue until all elements of the design have been outlined.
3. Leading Strips: Use a sheet of lined notebook paper as a pattern for creating leading lines. Tape to back of Leading Blank. Let Liquid Leading dry approximately 8 hours or until leading strips peel up smoothly. Window Color and liquid Leading paints can only be air dried. Do not try to hasten dry time with hair dryer or fan.
Quick Reference Leading Tips
Messy Lines: Uniform lines are achieved by holding the leading tip above the leading surface and coordinating pressure on the bottle with forward movement of the bottle. Practice on notebook paper until you have mastered this rhythm.
Beginning Bumps: Anchor the leading to the Gallery Glass blank or leading surface so leading will not curl up around the tip and create a bump before beginning the line. Wipe tip with a paper towel and anchor aw you begin to squeeze.
Ending Bumps: Stop squeezing earlier before reaching the end of the line--bring tip down allowing lead to end, or to join a previously leaded line.
Correcting Mistakes: This is easier after the leaded outline is dry. Use a toothpick to gently pull up only the unwanted portion of the outline and trim it away with small scissors. Press the remaining lead firmly back down to the surface.
Painting Modular Designs
Window Color paint looks milky when wet; transparent when dry. Do not paint modular designs with Crystal Clear or Etching Medium or use Redi-Lead strips for modular designs as it will not peel up freely once applied to the surface of Gallery Glass Leading Blanks. Redi-Lead should only be used when you are applying strips directly to the surface of the project; i.e. borders or connecting lines of window projects. These should be applied vertically to window surface. Read "Instructions for Painting the Background" before applying these paints.
Note: Do not shake the paint; bubbles in paint are normal. If there is an excessive amount of bubbles, gently tap sides of bottle several times on edge of table; this will remove some of the excess bubbles.
1. Remove caps from bottle. Tips are pre-opened. Remove seal from 8 oz. bottles. Do not cut tips off , for normal application techniques.
2. After leading has dried, begin adding paint into your leaded design. Squeeze the color first around the perimeter of the leaded area, then fill in the center. Apply paint liberally, at about the same depth of the leading. Be sure the paint fills the corners of the design. If the paint is too thin, the cured design could tear when you pull it off the plastic.
3. Using curved end of metal comb and starting at top corner of leaded area of design "comb" carefully back and forth, going from top to bottom of leaded area. When combing on plastic be careful not to tear the plastic. Combing will smooth texture and pop the bubbles. If color gets on leading it will dry transparent and not be noticeable. Once area has been combed, do not go back and re-comb. Be sure to make the final combing stroke in the direction you want the texture to be.
4. Holding the corner of the leading blank firmly lift the painting surface and tap firmly under the painted section with the rounded end of the metal combing tool to remove bubbles.
5. Allow the modular design motifs to dry and cure for 8 to 48 hours on a dry flat surface with good air circulation. The top of the refrigerator is a good place. Drying time varies, depending on the thickness of the paint and the humidity. The paint will dry transparent and lose its milky look. Do not try and speed up drying, i.e. with appliances such as hair dryers or fans. Both the paint and the leading must be air dried. (the warmer and dryer--the faster the drying).
6. Clean up: If you spill paint on clothing, furniture, etc., wash it off immediately using soap and water; do not allow to dry on clothes before attempts at cleaning.
Quick Reference Painting Tips:
Paint clog removal: If paint dries in bottle tip, use a paper towel to push tip to one side and remove it. Use the curved end of the metal combing tool to remove clog from the inside of the tip. Replace tip on bottle.
Light holes in corners of painted sections: can be eliminated by dabbing Liquid Leading over the hole. This method is less noticeable than re-coating the section with paint; or gently pull up the area of the modular design and cut out the paint within the leaded area; press lead down and paint area.
Applying Design to Window SurfaceWait for a dry day to complete your Window Color project. Rainy days and high humidity can cause problems. Even if your windows are dry to the touch, having too much moisture in the air can keep the paint from drying indefinitely, because moisture will get trapped under the paint. Surface should be clean, using a glass cleaner is recommended.
1. Gently peel the modular designs off the Leading Blank. If they do not peel up easily, they are not dry.
2. Using the lines you transferred on your window pane as a guide for placement, position the modular design elements on the window. Place larger elements on first and smaller elements such as leaves or stems next. Be careful not to stretch the modular designs or get the backs of them dirty or dusty. Press from the center outward to minimize trapped air. Excessive handling can keep the pieces from adhering properly. continue until all modular elements are in position.
3. Add Liquid Leading pre-cured strips to connect the modular designs and to connect the modular pieces to the edges of the surface or use Redi-Lead strips (see instructions for applying Redi-Lead).
4. Touch up any gaps where the leading strips and modular lead areas meet by squeezing small amounts of Liquid Leading where they join. Let dry thoroughly.
Applying Redi-Lead to Surface
Do not use Redi-Lead strips for modular designs created on Leading Blanks, as it will not peel up freely once paint is cured. Redi-Lead should only be used when applying strips directly to the surface of the project; i.e. borders or connecting lines.
1. Thoroughly clean and dry the window pane. Remove any smudges from applying modular pieces.
2. Peel up Redi-Lead strips and press adhesive side onto project surface along the marked lines, do not stretch the strips or handle more than necessary or they may not adhere properly. When a pattern line is longer than your strip, piece strips together end to end so that they meet. Trim intersecting lines with Gallery Glass Cutter or craft knife. Joints should be mitered to fit, if possible. Don't take one strip OVER another. Cut and fit all connections. Keep gaps to a minimum, but spot soldering should make all the joints disappear. If you see excess adhesive from strips on surface, use a piece of cellophane tape to remove, or wet the area with window cleaner and use cutter to scrape under the adhesive and lift it off.
3. Touch up all connecting points with Liquid Leading Let all Leading dry thoroughly before applying paint.
Painting the Background
Note: Do not shake Window Color paint or it will become too thin for vertical application. 1. Protect bottom edge of window sill surface by taping off with painter's or low tack masking tape; cover floor with newspaper.
2. For best results, start at a top corner of the design. Crystal Clear Window Color will give you the look of textured glass. Squeeze paint directly from bottle onto surface where you would like the look of textured glass. Run a thin line of paint across the top of the section, wiggling the tip back and forth as you move from left to right across the section. Repeat, moving side-to-side, moving gradually downward to the bottom of the section. Be sure to cover the corners and apply paint thick enough to block the light from showing through. However, applications that are too thick will begin to run, so use the tip of the bottle as the spreader to move it around. Don't squeeze out as much paint as you near the bottom of the section. Use the tip to pull it down and over the leading to prevent sliding. Be sure to paint up to and over the edge of all leading and perimeter of design elements to seal the finished design and avoid light holes. Do not comb Crystal Clear--leave it as bumpy as possible for maximum texture.
Painting with Gallery Glass Window Colors--other than Clear: Squeeze paint around the perimeter of the section and working from left to right, progressing top to bottom fill in the section. After you have applied paint to one section, hold the pointed end of the metal combing tool perpendicular to the glass and "comb" or stroke back and forth quickly in straight lines from lead line to lead line through the paint. This gives the paint a smooth grain and pops larger air bubbles. Do not over comb or paint will run. Wipe the tool clean between colors.
Etching Medium: This is used to create the look of etched or sand blasted glass. Brush on following instructions below. Do not apply to window directly from the bottle.
3. Window Color projects usually dry in 8 hours and cur in 3 to 7 days. Drying times may vary due to humidity, temperature and thickness of application. Allow window projects to cure out before cleaning.
To clean, spray a very light mist of window cleaner on a soft cloth and wipe the surface gently. Do not use an excessive amount of cleaner or spray directly on window. No abrasive cleaners or solvents.
Etching Medium Instructions
This paint creates the look of sandblasted etched glass. It is both applied and removed in a manner that is different from other Gallery Glass Window Color paints. Do not use in in the modular design elements as it will not peel up and stick onto glass surface. Do not squeeze from the bottle onto glass surface. Apply to glass surface after modular designs and leading have been completed. 1. First, remove the tip and use a metal combing tool or paint brush handle to stir the paint--thoroughly. It must be mixed with no floating liquid to work well. Squeeze a small amount of Etching Medium onto a disposable plate. With a soft bristled brush, dip into medium and pull over to a clean area of the plate, rolling off excess. Apply to glass surface very sparingly with a thorough pouncing motion so there is no pattern except a smooth matte covering. Spread out paint so that there are no wet areas.
Optional: You can brush Etching on areas of a finished window to create a matte finish, rather than a glossy one. Apply to modular pieces only after they have been placed in their final position.
2. Clean up brush with warm water and liquid soap. Do not use a wet brush for applying Etching Medium, always start with a dry one.
3. Removal: Etching Medium will not peel up from glass like other Gallery Glass paints. To remove it, spray etched area with window cleaner and use a razor window scraper to carefully lift off paint. Etching can only be removed from glass --not from plastics.
Removal of One Section or the Entire Design
To remove a painted section on glass surface, score inside of lead line using a craft knife. Use the curved end of the metal combing tool to peel up the corner of the scored area and pull out. Re-paint area.To remove the entire window design start in one corner and use a craft knife to score around the perimeter of the entire design. Paint and Liquid leading will peel off the glass. (treat and remove Etched areas, as above). Use window cleaner and a craft knife or razor window scraper to remove any excess paint, leading or etching from glass. Be careful not to scratch glass with tools.
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