But Rebecca is not a one talent girl--she can also paint. Although not professionally trained in art, she has the natural sense that few people have--when they are very very talented in one art, and can translate that good taste to other arts without the usual learning curve that you and I are forced, by our non-talented nature, to follow. That being said, let's see some of her work.
Rebecca has only been doing Gallery Glass for about a year, but she is a dedicated, diligent student. She makes me look like a really good teacher, because everything I give her to do--she does--by the time I see her again. I just have to praise that work ethic. She is an overachiever that any instructor would enjoy having in her class. Tulips are blooming indoors, as well as outdoors right now and Rebecca's yellow tulips are an excellent example of a whimsical design--as opposed to being natural. The shape is pleasing and the color is vibrant. Notice the shading at the bottom of the blossoms. The clear texture is outstanding. We've been talking a lot in class about random bumpiness as a technique, and Rebecca has got it DOWN!

I've saved the Best for Last! What a beauty. This piece is gorgeous. It is Victorian in style, but the floral theme is as contemporary as you might want it to be. Especially in the color combinations that Rebecca chose. This panel would make an elegant addition to any room. A peaceful feeling flows through you, as you drink in the earthy colors. An English garden could not produce any more soothingly beautiful blossoms.
This is an update. Rebecca continues her pursuit of new experiences with Gallery Glass. After a year of just painting--she has single handedly leaded the majority of the 200 plus projects that we need for a Youth event at church. Now, she can create her own designs with ease and speed. What a tribute to her tenacity and determination to learn the fundamental technique that opens up a whole new world of possibilities with glass crafting. We can't wait to see her next project. I have a feeling it's going to be a heavenly pursuit (we're working on an angel design).
But even though leading has been her priority, she did not quit painting. Here are two of her latest projects.
Good work, Rebecca.
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