Project Categories

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bring the Outdoors In--follow up!

I love it when our blog inspires people to do a project. Especially, a window makeover, because this type of project can really have an impact on your lifestyle. Rebecca Crowfoot knew the minute she saw "Bring the Outdoors In" that the lattice design was the one for her front door. She has a solid door, also, but she wanted to be able to leave that door open so she could let the sun shine IN--something that her cute little dog "Bailey"--really loves. So we made a date for Saturday morning and got started about 10am. Right off the bat, I broke my long standing rule--always take a "before" picture BEFORE! What was I thinking? By the time we thought of it, we had finished the leading and had started painting it. But with a little imagination, you can see what Rebecca has been accustomed to looking at. There is beautiful wooded area directly across from the deck, but the sideways view left her in clear view of passers by on the street.
She always felt a little uncomfortable about the open view, especially when unannounced visitors happened to show up on the doorstep. That's the reason she thought that Gallery Glass would be a good solution. She could have privacy but still distinguish shapes, and the visitors couldn't see inside until she was ready to open the door. So Gallery Glass is a clear alternative because any other type of window treatment would not have accomplished her goals. ( Sorry, I should have taken the pattern down from the middle of the window before I clicked.)
We taped the pattern to the top half of the window on the outside and began the Redi-Leading process. She was amazed that you could create an outline with strips that were all the same width (1/8") and had adhesive on the back--without having to squeeze them out of the bottle and let them dry first. We used a GG razor cutting tool to trim and fit the strips together at the proper points. The touched up the connections with Liquid Leading. Rebecca was impressed by how easy the process wast and it went quickly. When we got to the bottom pane, we had to transfer to the front of the glass with graphite paper because of the screen on the outside. But it didn't take long. We leaded in the morning, had lunch, and then painted in the afternoon. It was fun and exhausting at the same time. I had to leave about 3pm, but Rebecca forged on alone and finished the painting at 5:30. It was a warm day and the paint dried really quickly. By the time it got dark, the window was mostly dry. We had completely made over her door in just one day! IT IS GORGEOUS!
Now in all fairness to Plaid, I should clarify that the area between a storm door and the solid door--is an uncontrolled environment. If you have spent any time reading the cautions in the lower right hand corner of the blog home page, the verbage specifically states that Gallery Glass is not intended for this type of situation-- which also includes garages, automobiles and travel trailers. In fact, our storm door project defies almost all of the cautions--including contact with water, contact with heavy condensation, temperatures below 45 degrees and over 90 degrees. However, in Georgia, the temperatures are comparatively mild and Rebecca and I are using this window as a test project. I have had Gallery Glass on windows in garages and other NON-recommended places, with satisfactory results, so we'll see what happens. I really think it will be fine, but we'll keep you posted.......

Congratulations, Rebecca, you've graduated to the next level of GG stardom. Last month, you learned to squeeze out your own Liquid Leading outlines and then you did your first big panel of your own design (the angel). Now you've finished a vertical window technique application. What will you do next. (more--and different--that's what I do.)
How about you, readers????? If you are a Gallery Glass crafter and have not done a vertical window-----what are you waiting for? Let's get started.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the storm door Rebecca...I have always been curious whether GG would work on a storm door....really like that design..very classic...very SUTHERN
