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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Meet B. Lyle - enjoy her journey with Gallery Glass

"I am a "newbie" to glass painting, and have fallen in love with Gallery Glass. I did ceramics for a few years and even looked into purchasing my own kiln, but it has been difficult to acquire greenware, and the cost was a little more than I had anticipated. I came across several of the GG videos on Youtube and was instantly smitten! I'm in the very beginning stages of learning and I bought tape this weekend hoping to get better at leading. It's proven to be quite a challenge, but I'll continue to practice until I can do it perfectly. I have a few pieces attached for your viewing pleasure. Leading is becoming more enjoyable and I think I'm getting better. I ordered some of the 10" and 12" Rounds. The "Rays of Sunshine" was the first piece that I did. It was on glass and the leading was wobbly, but it got broken."

Next, I completed the Lighthouse. The leading was still wobbly, but the shading was improving. Finally, I painted the "Heart". I am quite proud of this one, if I do say so, myself.
"After I got the round blanks, I finished a few more pieces. I actually think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I used self-adhesive leading for the "Kitty" on 8x10" glass. I did much better leading with the cardinal, I think. I finished this piece by placing it in a frame and then drilling a hole in the top of the frame and threading ribbon through for hanging purposes. It is a Christmas present." 
" 'Christmas Lights' was a pleasure..I actually did it in a couple of days. I did the Liquid Leading early in the morning and painting late in the evening of the next day. I may just have to keep this one."
"What I like to call the "Victorian Suncatcher" was done with the Redi-Lead strips.  I had wanted to get much more done than I have before Christmas, but needless to say, I so enjoy it. I am so glad I stumbled onto Gallery Glass. I've acquired some discontinued Gallery Glass lampshades. They are on their way to me now. I can't wait to try my hand once they arrive. I'm also on the hunt for every Plaid Gallery Glass pattern book on the market. I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas. Gallery Glass has made mine just that--WONDERFUL!"

I love this story. It is certainly a familiar to many of you--a natural progression of Gallery Glass technique--from newbie to designer! Gallery Glass is a craft that allows that journey to take place--amazingly quickly! B. has a wonderful sense of style and she expressed her personality--even in the beginning--by the designs that she chose to create. From the start, I could see her preference for contemporary style and simplicity beautifully executed and enhanced through the shading. The one that surprised me was the last one--the Victorian Suncatcher--which was anything but contemporary. It just goes to show that a Gallery Glass artist can grow in any direction--just by changing the placement of the lines and the choice of colors. B., you are a shining example of "why" I do this blog--to give more people out in the world the opportunity to discover the joys of self expression and to share the love of my life - Gallery Glass.



  1. beautiful work..welcome to the GG family...please show us more pics of your work...again welcome aboard!!!

  2. oh and this Bradford Miss Carol....for some reason it wouldnt let me post under my name

  3. Thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoyed every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post.imprinted glassware
