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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Estelle Creates a New Look with Gallery Glass

I'm excited for you to read about Estelle. She is an enthusiastic Gallery Glass fan who lives in Atlanta and was a frequent customer of our Plaid Outlet Store in Discover Mills at Suwanee, GA--which is closed, so don't rush out to find it. Here's what she says about her experience with Gallery Glass.

"I just had an AMAZING conversation with your customer service representative wherein she told me you have original GALLERY GLASS patterns from the 90's posted on your blog. I am OBSESSED with Gallery Glass!!! It is so much fun to work with!  I have a few photos of my finished pieces and I am working on more. I have used GALLERY GLASS in unconventional ways. I use it on decorator plates, vases and Plexiglas panels. GALLERY GLASS has always been user friendly for me. Even the original kit that allowed me to custom blend my colors was fun. I have used GALLERY GLASS to simulate outdoor scenery, windows on a set and to decorate my daughter's middle School showcase. Although you frown on it, I have also used GALLERY GLASS for the lower panel of my storm door. It's about six years old and still looks pretty good."

"My biggest challenges have been finding Ethnic images to use the GALLERY GLASS on. Fortunately, Paned Expressions had a solution. Plus, once we relocated to Georgia, I met a very talented artist who allowed me to interpret her work in GALLERY GLASS. I apologize for my photography but ENJOY!"

Now, that you've read her story, you can appreciate her enthusiasm. Her story could resemble yours. Many of you were introduced to Gallery Glass by QVC. I am eternally grateful to them for allowing us to develop so many sets of product that were unique and functional for the viewers. And you, the wonderful viewers of our show in the 90's allowed us to stay on the air. THANK YOU for being faithful back then. We had a good run. I have some other pictures of Estelle's amazing work to share. I especially like her use of color and texture in the picture at the top of this post. It's quite unusual. I also love her decorative plates. The one above has a special message that you can see in detail - at the end. It is good advice for all of us. Thanks, Estelle, for sharing your amazing story and your creative projects.

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